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by Rev Barby Soliman
In this video (In Spanish) taken in the summer of 2017, Rev Barby Soliman presented to the local Chambers of Commerce on the unlimited power that we humans hold within the realm of our subconscious mind. She shares information on how to beat stress and make the best of life.
Rev Soliman is available for bilingual highly interactive presentations in a vast number of topics. You can contact her for booking an event, make an appointment for any of her highly interactive services, set meeting and/or pay for services directly from the following site:
Godspeed Pathways to Suceess!
It is with great honor that I show you today how the use of tools from Tibet had a great impact on my auric field. Actually, the tools actually changed the aura, chakras, meridians and other vortexes immediately after I touched them. The impact was magnified by the chant of the Gayatri Mantra while sounding the bell and playing the prayer wheel. Yes, one more time, you can see the direct effect on my own body and energy fields. Come and join me at Godspeed Pathways to Success so you too can experience the auric interpretation during any of your interventions with me. 305 788-4360 or Namaste!
Greetings, in this video I demonstrate how different feelings will show in the auric and energy field of a person. In my last auric video I showed how a headache, being very hot from going up and down getting things down from my car to the center and being very tired could show in my own field. Today, I share how it can dramatically change with our perceptions, vibrations, feelings and even faith can highly impact what our auric field looks like and vibrates. Come and share this marvelous experience that exists at Godspeed. Yes how you too can improve all areas of your life and thrive in great joy regardless the circumstances. Namaste!
This is one of two extraordinary videos that Maria's son has appeared in! The first was during a Bridge to the Other Side intervention with me at Godspeed Pathways to Success! earlier this year. We had a wonderful connection in which in my Ministry to the Other (taught to me by Rebecca Marina Messenger and passed on to her via Mother Azna). The Bridge of Light is a very loving process which involves a pre-questionnaire about issues that are pending with the person being contacted and what are the questions that need to be answered or other information regarding the connection. It is a non scary, very loving and safe connection in which the family member is involved at all times. In this video, we were at the end of an Angels Mini Retreat at Godspeed and after a very long and wonderful process of conducting auric/chakra readings for all the participants, Maria was next to last prior to my showing them my auric body on video. She had absorbed a lot of the highly energetic expansion from all. I did an actual Aura/Chakra Clearing for her in front of the group, but the video would not show. Her son told me to stop that video and re-start it again. As I did that, this video is the result of the re-connecting with her again. He manifested himself immediately, also, look at the tube of light which also shows clearly above Maria's head. We were highly thrilled for his manifestation, this time in front of so many people. Maria really wanted to give this gift of hope and life to so many people, who like her lost her child so many years ago. I am highly blessed to be able to partake in the extraordinary process of being able to capture it all on video. So here it is Maria, with your loving permission and direct request to post it publicly. My honor, great respect to you and lots of love! Namaste! Rev. Barby Soliman 305 788-4360
REV BARBY SOLIMAN TAMBORES Y SABIDURÍA, SU IMPACTO EN NUESTRA AURA Ahhh tambores, tambores chamánicos, los sonidos primordiales de nuestro corazón humano, lo que cada ser vivo experimenta mientras se desarrolla en el vientre de su madre. En este video, me inspiré para compartir con ustedes la forma en que estos impactos sonoros maravillosos tienen en nuestros sistemas energeticos del aura. Cómo como la sal de roca rosada, nuestros sentimientos y proyecciones ejercen tambien un gran impacto en él mismo. Comparto sabiduría de los siglos, en el más simple de formas. Namaste! Venga y únase a mí en este gran viaje por la vida, aprenda cómo usted también puede lograr sus sueños, y disfrlutar enormemente el viaje, experimentando la gran cantidad de herramientas a su disposición.
I work with Ganesh on a daily basis, He is part of the Indian Pantheon of Grand Masters. He is the remover of obstacles and opener of many paths.
Usually I do this chants with a mala or rosary. This rosary has 108 pieces which I chant for 3 times. It is very impacting in manifesting, clearing and blessing. Namaste!
This supreme chant repeated 108 opens the path to an immediate miraculous resolution of the impending issues. I also repeat it three times times 108. Part of a Ganesh prayer chants series.
This wonderful mantra is a 108 times repetition of a financial opening of paths and desires. I also do three of 108. Namaste!
Hear this mantra on a daily basis for a wonderful effect.
Thank you Deva and Miten, you guys are superb. This mantra is supreme peace, I also do it 108 times.
Beautiful rendition of hail to Kwan Yin, Goddess of Love, Mercy and Compassion. I am a great devotee of Kwan Yin. Again, best in 108 repetitions times three. Namaste!
I absolutely love this mantra, it is a general go to all needs mantra. Again, I repeat 108 times three. Namaste!
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